Mask Fit Testing 4-JUN-23 |
20 - 28 Doon Mills DR
Kitchener, Ontario Canada N2P 2W9 |
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N95 Mask Fit Testing
Mask fit testing consists of education, training, and testing to ensure that an N95 respirator mask fits properly.
You are asked to perform a series of simple exercises to ensure that no leaks are present around the mask. This process takes approximately 15 minutes. In order for you to detect the bitter taste involved in this mask fit test, please read the following carefully:
On the day of your mask fit test: - Do NOT eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum for 15 minutes prior to your test - Do NOT wear excessive make-up to your test - Men MUST be clean shaven (no facial hair permitted)
CostWalk-ins are not accepted for events. Prepayment at the time of registration is required. Individual Participant - $50 Student - $45 Please visit our Payment, Refund and Privacy Policies
Payment OptionsPayPal - You do not need to have a Pay Pal account as Pay Pal will allow you to complete the transaction with your Credit Card Call with payment - Complete your registration then please send an eTransfer to [email protected] |
* Registration is not required for this event.